Friday, June 20, 2014

SATURDAY 6/21/14; Summer Begins; Iraq in Chaos

Summer begins in the northern hemisphere with the summer solstice occurring at 6:51 AM EST. Today is the longest day of sunlight of the year. Conversely, folks in the southern hemisphere enter the winter season. The Social Security Administration reports the number of disabled people in the US topping 11 million for the first time ever (about 3 out of every 100 people in America are disabled).

[Text is Redacted: Purchase June 2014-06 to Read the Complete Chronology]

ISIS militants kill 30 Iraqi soldiers and take control of a check point at the Syria border at Qaim (western side of Iraq). ISIS has Iraqi troops surrounded at the Baiji oil refinery. The battle is ongoing for five days and the smoke from the burning refinery is visible from space satellite. The Sunni ISIS extremists are also battling pro-government forces at the Tal Afar Airport. Iraq is in chaos.

An oil storage tank and pipe failure, operated by NBL, spills 7.5K gallons of crude oil into The Poudre River at Windsor, Colorado. Clean-up is underway.

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