Wednesday, February 25, 2015

THURSDAY 2/26/15; European/German Yields Dropping; CHS; DDD; KSS; MBLY; CPI (Consumer Price Index); Durable Goods; GPS; HLF; JCP; UHS

Asian indexes begin trading with Australia’s SPASX200 moving higher. Qantas flies +5% higher on the nee-jerk reaction after releasing an earnings beat with further expense-cutting measures planned but loses altitude as the session continues. Japanese pension funds announce plans to buy more individual company stocks rather than bonds. The pension fund buying will create big demand for stocks so the NIKK gains +1.1% to a new high for the year. People’s futures will be riding on a bunch of flimsy stocks. Aussie stocks reverse course and 

[Text is Redacted: Purchase February 2015-02 to Read the Complete Chronology]

the huddled masses suffer through structural unemployment while handling large student and overall debt. This is the world the Federal Reserve has created. Markets were never allowed to clear properly in early 2009 so capitalism ended in a ball of flames and the ongoing bread and circus society flourishes. Americans only want the benefits of capitalism (markets go up) but no one wants to experience the bad side and pain of capitalism (bankruptcies and markets clearing) therefore capitalism does not exist.

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