Monday, December 28, 2015

Thank You for Your Generosity

Wikipedia, Mozilla and other sites are conducting membership drives so what better time and season to seek funding for those less fortunate than now when everyone is in a good mood. This message is not directed at the regular donors to the K E Stone Blog Series of sites including Keystone the Scribe, Keybot the Quant and The Keystone Speculator, but instead to the thousands of others that have not.

The sites seek to entertain and educate market participants on technical analysis, algorithmic trading and macro economics (remember that you must seek the advice of your financial advisor before making any investment decision). Thousands of international users enjoy the sites daily.

Ridiculously, the traffic to the three blogs increases month after month but the ad revenue from the sites has been cut in one-half over the last few months due to ad-blocking software. The ad blockers are killing the original content creators on the web. The ad revenue from web sites using services such as Google Adsense help deter any costs of a site. Ad blockers, however, are drastically changing the landscape. Original content creators will have to seek other methods of supplementing the losses in revenue from the ad blocking software. Comically, those that block out ads to read the original content in a simpler format may actually end up without having any original content to read.

So if you have some leftover change, press the button in the right margin. The original content posted on the sites will be provided as per the interest received in the sties. A couple other web sites are planned but will not be pursued if the current sites are not supported, especially with the increased use of ad blockers which has drastically changed the game for original content providers.

Food banks are on tough times. In Pennsylvania, USA, the idiot politicians cannot agree on a budget for the last six months and the loss of funding is negatively impacting schools and most importantly the food banks. Do not forget to clear out your pantry and toss the canned goods into a box and drop it off at the local food bank. Also donate any old coats since a child would be happy to have something warm on this winter.

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